

Buying a car is a major step in our life. Nowadays having a car is a necessity, however taking the step is not that easy. Hesitations, Fear, Doubt and we often don't know who to rely on to make the right choice. 

          The first car is often the first major financial project in our lifes. Generally, the proeject become real thanks to a loan, a good reason to stay vigilent and avoid bad choices. To make it first time right, we want to be involved in every steps of the process.

        When you live in Senegal, the car is likely buy from Europe, therefore being involved on all steps become not possible. Generally we have to rely to a trustworthy person living there to handle the process for us. Managing the buying by distance could be become complicated as a puzzle, and this make the choice complicated. We get advices from our surroudings. Opinions and advices are generally based on their own experience or prejudices. Some will prefere such a car, others a totally opposite modals. To the end of the day, you have plenty of opposite opinions which do not help your decision.

          The customer is then lost and do not know to which saint to devote. A big problem that companie specialized in car purchasing assistance have to deal with.


From the bread to the car … more than a similitude !



          Automotive requires solid technical competences. It makes sense to go to the bakery to buy bread, It should goes the same to have an expert advices to purchase a car. However, this is not yet steeped in morals in Senegal. Let's continue with the bakery analogy, as a baguett would be convinient for a young lady, a millet bread "Mbourou Dougoup" would be more nutritious to an athlete who doesn't have the same need for energy supply or simply just not the same taste. Samely a car modal would be convinient for someone and not for another depending on use profiles.

          In Europe, the consumers have no problem to step of entrusting a specialized company to purchase his vehicle. The car purchasing assistance service is growing. Specialized professionals handle all the process of your vehicle aquisition. In Sénégal, the company Sen’Drive Solutions is developping this new concept of car purchasing assistance. Through the service named Sen’Drive Market. Professionals with a strong knowledge in automotive accompany you from the purchasing to the delivery of your vehicle and provide you with advices to find the car which suit best to your needs.



          Our dedicated service is at your disposal from the contact to the different steps of the purchasin process. Your vehicle is purchased, tested by our engineers speciliazed in automotive industry. 

          Once the car is purchased, the customer obsession becomes the hassle of delivery, la hantise du client devient le tracas de la livraison, clearance, grey card owner transfer. A long way circuit for the customer. Sen’Drive Market objective is to bring comfort to our customers, we provide you with turnkey service. We handle the transit from Europe to Senegal, the clearance,... to the delivery in a maximum time of 8 weeks. 

In Sénégal, In 2018 Sen’Drive Market it's monthly in average 3 purchased cars and 100% of customer satisfaction. 


Communication Service - Sen'Drive Solutions

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